Porto da Lama
(All photos by Raul Lousada)
Located in central Portugal, near the Atlantic Ocean, the Roman villa of Porto da Lama maintained a close connection with one of ancient Lusitania's most significant cities, Salacia. Linked by the Sítimos stream, which likely served as a channel for cultural exchange and influence, this strategically situated villa revealed at least three remarkable mosaics adorned with mythological and maritime themes at the heart of its domus, or landowner's residence.

Though initially identified in the late 1940s, the site underwent partial excavation only in the emergency context of Spring 2023. This excavation uncovered the social section of a domus, featuring a foyer (vestibulum), an entrance hall (atrium), a dining room (triclinium) and the master’s study (tablinum).

Several structures and surface artefacts extend over an area exceeding 10,000 m². Our objective for the excavation season in the Spring of 2025 is to fully investigate the architecture of this affluent Roman residence and its closest dependencies.

This site has already been featured in a documentary now screening in several European film competitions. You can watch the trailer here:



Location Alcácer do Sal, Portugal
Period Roman Imperial
Dates 4th April - 18th April 2025
Accommodation Shared house
Working Hours 8am - 1pm (excavation Mon - Fri)
3pm - 6pm (lab and lectures Mon - Fri)
Working hours may vary depending on the season and weather conditions
Programme - Excavation and recording of archaeological and geological contexts;
- Laboratory work;
- Archaeological survey;
- Lectures on archaeological methods, classification of pottery and environmental archaeology;
- Field trips to national heritage sites.
Fee 90£/day, including:
- Shuttle from/to Lisbon Airport
- Full room and board
- Excavation and lab materials
- Lectures
- Fied trips
- Application fee
- Administrative costs
- Fees DO NOT INCLUDE airfare